Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Year in Review

As I look back over this year, I realize how truly blessed I am. I reunited with my dear college friend, I got to spend Thanksgiving with my family, I started a new blog, and I watched my children evolve into teenager/adults. It has been a good year.

What do I wish for the new year? Peace. Of course in the world, in our country, in my state, in my city, in my home, but mostly in my heart. I hope that I can live in the now and enjoy 2009 to the fullest, not looking back or looking forward.

I will leave you with the same wish that you will find peace in 2009.

Until next year!
Mrs. M


Heather said...

Happy new year!

Anonymous said...

Your hair looks awesome. You're so brave. Mine is still long and blah, but comfortable. I empathize with your dizziness as 2-3 times a year I am stretched out on my bed unable to move from it. That includes using the potty! Prayers are with you... Kimm