Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bloggie Giveaways - A FLIP CAMERA

I just found a new blog. This one is perfect for me! It is A Cowboy's Wife. She is currently giving away a Flip Camera. Have I ever mentioned how much I would LOVE to have a Flip Camera???? They are amazing. I just can't afford one right now. But think of all the ways you could use it! I could have it in my purse so when Missy and her friends are doing something funny...BAM! I could video it! If Buddy is pitching....BAM! I could video!! Oh boy, cross your fingers and hope I win!!!

1 comment:

Yesteryear Embroideries said...

Hi Kaki, I just dropped by to say hello. Oh how I hope you win this camera!! Good luck, blessings,Kathleen