Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I am trying to have a new attitude about cooking for my family. It has always been a chore for me. I have never looked forward to it, and feel that I am not very good at it. I want to change that. My inspiration came from an interesting place. Missy and I love to watch Jon and Kate Plus 8. We love the reality of their life and how they argue and yell, just like real moms and dads. Recently we were at a bookstore and found their book, Multiple Blessings. I had heard Kate talk about how she loved cooking for her family. She felt it was a gift she gave them every meal. So she works hard to make it good and healthy. For some odd reason, it struck me. I had never really thought of it that way. All I saw was the energy expended and the dirty dishes.

So, I am changing my attitude. I am trying new recipes, and adding a surprise every night. Monday night it was some grapes, Clementine sections, and a strawberry sliced and spread out on the plate with our dinner. Last night it was candlelight on the table during dinner. I am not sure what it will be tonight. I think music. But inspiration may hit me later. And you know, I haven't dreaded making dinner yet. I actually look forward to it.

The first step for me was organizing. I sat down and planned meals for 4 weeks. I wrote out the meals that I have been looking at in Healthy Cookbooks. I xeroxed the recipes and clipped them to that week's menu. Then I wrote out a shopping list. I put all of this in a page protector. I have a clip on my fridge where I keep the current week's menu and recipes. When it comes time to make a recipe, I can put it in front and keep it clean by leaving it in the page protector. I am also making notes on the recipes about changes I would make next time.

It is a new adventure for me. My family is eating healthier (and vegetarian), we are eating together, and I am not angry and tired every night. But most of all, it gives me something to look forward to everyday! That is important!

So, since I didn't do Monday Menu, I will go ahead and put this week's menu up. I don't currently have my recipes in the computer, but if you see one you want, let me know! I'll work on publishing those as well!

Monday: Roast Turkey (Quorn turkey)
Sauteed Green Beans
French Bread

Tuesday: Salmon
Tomatoes and Spinach
Brown Rice

Wednesday: Corn and Black Bean Bundles
Chips and Salsa

Thursday: Penne w/Roasted Veggies

Friday: Pizza

Saturday: Veggie Picadillo
Brown Rice

Until next time,
Mrs. M

1 comment:

shizzknits said...

I really liked cooking before we had the small men, but when your colicky newborn hasn't stopped screaming in 6 hrs and you are flu-ish from mastitis, cooking doesn't seem like much fun. LOL Now that the kids are older, I'm getting back into the swing of cooking for pleasure again.

Menu planning really helps me, so I think you are on the right track with that. I have a subscription to Cooking Light and use a ton of those well as the stuff I find on the'net.

Your menu sounds good! What's Quorn turkey?